Merchant Kraft Lawrence discovers a wolf deity namMerchant Kraft Lawrence discovers a wolf deity named Holo sleeping in his cart. She offers to lend her wisdom to boost his profits if he takes her on his travels. Their unlikely partnership begins.商人卡夫-劳伦斯发现一个名叫荷洛的狼神睡在他的马车里。她提出,如果他带她去旅行,她会利用自己的智慧来增加他的利润。他们不太可能的伙伴关系开始了。详情
简介:Merchant Kraft Lawrence discovers a wolf deity namMerchant Kraft Lawrence discovers a wolf deity named Holo sleeping in his cart. She offers to lend her wisdom to boost his profits if he takes her on his travels. Their unlikely partnership begins.商人卡夫-劳伦斯发现一个名叫荷洛的狼神睡在他的马车里。她提出,如果他带她去旅行,她会利用自己的智慧来增加他的利润。他们不太可能的伙伴关系开始了。详情